Hi Dearies,
Long time I didn't update my blog. I have been a loyal singtel customer since 2012. Recently my contract ended and I switch to Circle Life. Porting over is hassle free, just need to wait your telco to release your no and make sure you are done with your contract.
For my case, they keep telling me i ended my contract earlier and charge me a contract early termination penalty 3 months later which is terrible. I am going to ban Singtel for LIFEEEEE and no matter how good their advertisement is, dont trust them.
My house internet also the same, keep dropping line and after numerous complaint, they told you sorry, you will need to upgrade your service. Free upgrade etc, dont believe them. They are never going to be FREE, else how they manage to psycho consumer using BIG ADVERTISEMENT. Free for months you also need to think, else they may sudden charge you high price without you even knowing. Dishonest business in Singapore.
My life has never be better.
- Bill transparency
- No hidden charge
- Always can customize your data, sms and call
- Free caller ID
- Number transfer is always hassle free
Sign up with your code to get a $38 off registration fee + 3-months free Unlimited Data add-on with REFERRAL CODE: ALEXXACHIN
Good luck in circle life. I hope you try out new telco without spending a hell lots of money.

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